girl 13造句


  1. She teams up with Cir-El and Girl 13 to stop the ninja.
  2. Hernandez Nunez delivered three boys and three girls 13 weeks premature on Feb . 28.
  3. Thanks everyone ! xxx Hyper Girl 13 : 37, 22 October 2007 ( UTC)
  4. Girls 13 and under are being married off for the bride price to buy expensive black-market food.
  5. Girls 13 years or younger and boys 8 or younger are permitted to enter the baths of either gender.
  6. It's difficult to find girl 13 in a sentence. 用girl 13造句挺难的
  7. According to JUMP, which hit newsstands Aug . 5, this is what girls 13 to 18 want to read about:
  8. Those who specialize in the treatment of adolescents say that most pregnancies in girls 13 and under are the result of rape and incest.
  9. Pfleger said the prostitutes the church has found have been of virtually all ages, from girls 13 years old to women in their 50s and 60s.
  10. It's clearly designed to pander to the fantasies and tastes of that woefully neglected portion of the audience : girls 13 years old and younger.
  11. They rarely leave sooner; and, as we receive children from their earliest days, we have often had girls 13, 14, and even 17 years under our care.
  12. In a letter to the Wall Street Journal, Bevaqua wrote,  Participation in PGA Junior League Golf a team format for boys and girls 13 and under has increased 233 % since 2013.
  13. The 116 others who died as a result of the storming of the theater, including a girl 13-14 years old, were felled by the gas, the doctors told a news conference.
  14. While McDowell gave his address as 800 Riverside Drive, where some of his relatives live, Williams said he actually lives elsewhere in the area with his wife, Carmella, and three children, a girl 13 years old, and boys aged 2, and 4 months.
  15. ok, Russia had a cold SCIENTIFIC aproach, but they shamefully lacked a cold ECONOMICAL aproach . . . they got carried away by their feelings in that aspect . i bet that if they had been a capitalist and radically scientific nation they'd be the number one country by now .-- Cosmic girl 13 : 30, 14 January 2006 ( UTC)
  16. I can't cocinieve of a concious'perfect'thing because no matter how perfect omnipotent and whatever God is, the'nothingness'will always'compare and compete'with " him " . . . correct me if my reasoning is wacky . . . maybe there's something " beyond " that absolute nothingness, I mean, maybe " infinitness " appears to us as if it's nothingness but then . . I can't say anything abut that reality because I'd be lying, so therefore I think all religions lie somehow, because noone can claim to know THAT with our earthly brains .-- Cosmic girl 13 : 23, 14 January 2006 ( UTC)


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